Marriage. A Divine Institution
Through the book of Genesis we learn that God created the first human beings, Adam and Eve, as a married couple. Marriage then was created by God. Since the beginning we have come to appreciate and understand this natural human institutions has its divine origin in the Blessed Trinity. The pinnacle moment happens when Jesus Christ raises and restores marriage to the dignity of a Sacrament. Since the beginning we can see a continuity of what God designed and intended for the Sacrament of Marriage. The following content will help you learn more about the Sacrament of Marriage as revealed in Sacred Scripture and explained through Sacred Tradition.
Sacred Scripture
Old Testament
Genesis 1: 28- 2:25 – “God is the author of marriage.”
Genesis 1: 26-31 – “Male and Female he created them.”
Genesis 2:18-24 – “The two become one flesh.”
Genesis 24:48-67 – “In his love for Rebekah, Isaac found solace after the death of his mother.”
New Testament
Matt 5:27-32- “Christ teaches about lust, adultery, and divorce”
Matt 19:6f. – “Christ reinforces the Father’s original intention for Marriage”
Mark 10:1-31- “Jesus teaches again on divorce and follows with the meaning of selfless love.”
Luke 18:18-23- “Christ instructs that the minimum is not sufficient. The lover has never done enough.”
Sacred Tradition